Inschrijven voor de Internationale Welsh Pony & Cob Show 2024

Aanmeldingen vanuit Nederland

Voor WPCV leden: stuur het ingevulde inschrijfformulier naar of naar

NWPCS leden kunnen zich inschrijven via de "NWPCS online members" website inschrijven

Schrijft u zich liever in via de website van deze show? Dat kan door hier te klikken.

Entry's from abroad

All entries must be made on the official Entryform (see above) - together with a copy of the passport or registration certificate, and must be sent with the correct fees before the closing date.
Exhibitors from abroad must submit their entry forms and payment to the representative of their own society (see list in the schedule below).
These representatives must check the entries for correctness and make payment in Euro to the Welsh Pony en Cob Vereniging, IBAN/account number: NL75 RABO 0132 3128 16, BIC: RABONL2U
Exhibitors from countries, who have no society representation, are welcome to submit their entries directly to our Show Secretary (